Sunday, May 11, 2008

asthma food remedy

The temptation is great for the sport to celebrate a victory by a pot with friends. However, many sufferers of asthma will tell you, some based drinks of alcohol can trigger crises of asthma or aggravate the symptoms. According to epidemiological data, this would even be the case for about 30 to 35% of sufferers of asthma. Should we then blame the alcohol?
This class of molecules found in the nine foods most commonly associated with allergies. And again, there is an overrepresentation of people of asthma in people with sensitive. Sulphites cause asthma attacks in about 5% of them. Unfortunately, there are everywhere, especially in wine (mostly white) but also pasta, chips, nuts or pickles. Sometimes in some jams and jellies. In case of poisoning, symptoms can manifest itself in different ways: coughing, sneezing, stiff neck, stomach cramps, diarrhea. In some cases, sulphites are converted into sulfides and lead to ulcerative colitis.
Click Here for effective treatment

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